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Presented by Cristina Raicu



SUNDAY | MAY 7th | 13.00 - 14.00 | in ENGLISH 


80 lei/person (limited seats)



During Cristina Raicu’s masterclass, we will discuss about the high potential of Romanian and International grape varieties grown on the territory of our country for the production of high quality sparkling wines. At the seminar, participants will taste and compare 8 sparkling wines produced in diverse areas of Romania, such as Crisana, Oltenia and Moldavia.

At the same time, Cristina will tell you more about the different production methods of sparkling wines such as Charmat or Traditional Method and also give you details about how they are consumed.

Cristina Raicu is Wine Educator for Wine Craft – Tasting and Pairing Academy, a wine school from Bucharest that teaches those who wish to learn about wines through the art of tasting. She obtained in 2013 the diploma “International Master Vintage – Vine, Wine and Terroir Management” in France. Also, she obtained the WSET III certification in London.

“The Wine World is fascinating to me. I have been studying it both theoretically and practically and what I notice and appreciate is the desire of Romanian producers to evolve and surpass their limits. And innovation helps a lot nowadays, but the interest of the people involved in the production process is paramount for both still and sparkling wines.”





In cadrul masterclass-ului sustinut de Cristina Raicu vom discuta despre potentialul ridicat al soiurilor romanesti si internationale cultivate pe teritoriul tarii noastre pentru productia de spumante de calitate superioara. La seminar, participantii vor degusta si vor compara 8 vinuri spumante realizate in diverse zone ale Romaniei, precum Crisana, Oltenia si Moldova. Prezentarea masterclass-ului se face in limba engleza.

In acelasi timp, Cristina va povesti despre diferitele metode de productie a vinurilor spumante cum sunt Charmat sau Metoda Traditionala, dar si detalii despre cum se consuma acestea.

Cristina Raicu este Wine Educator pentru Wine Craft - Tasting and Pairing Academy, o scoala de vinuri din Bucuresti care initiaza persoanele care doresc sa descopere vinurile in arta degustarii.

A obtinut in 2013 diploma "International Master Vintage - Vine, Wine and Terroir Management" in Franta. De asemenea ea a obtinut certificarea WSET III la Londra.

"Lumea vinului este fascinanta pentru mine. Am studiat-o atat teoretic, dar mai ales practic si ce observ si apreciez este dorinta producatorilor romani de a evolua si de a-si intrece limitele. Si inovatia ajuta foarte mult in zilele noastre, dar interesul persoanelor implicate in procesul de productie este primordial atat pentru vinurile linistite, cat si pentru cele spumante.”


Cristina Raicu