"REVINO - Discover wines from Romania" also offers masterclasses where wine aficionados may sip both wine and knowledge.
The Masterclasses will be held in Teatro Hall located at the ground floor of Novotel Hotel.
The Organizers reserve the right to make changes.
“REVINO – Descopera vinurile din Romania” organizeaza de asemenea masterclass-uri unde pasionatii de vinuri pot degusta si acumula cunostinte avansate despre acestea.
Masterclass-urile vor fi sustinute in sala Teatro de la parterul hotelului Novotel.
Organizatorii isi reserva dreptul de a aduce modificari in cadrul evenimentelor.
DON’T THINK GRAPE! BUT CLIMATE. Presented by Frédéric Vigroux ____________________ SATURDAY | MAY 6th | 14.00 - 15.00 | in ENGLISH 80 lei/person (limited seats) This masterclass is designed to show why thinking in term of grapes is [...]
THE CONSUMER PROFILE AND THE WINE RETAIL MARKET IN THE UK Presented by Ana Sapungiu MW _______________________ SATURDAY | MAY 6th | 17.00 - 18.00 | in ENGLISH 120 lei/person (limited seats) The Masterclass will cover key characteristics of the wine [...]
ROMANIAN SPARKLING WINES – THE NEW GENERATION Presented by Cristina Raicu ____________________ SUNDAY | MAY 7th | 13.00 - 14.00 | in ENGLISH 80 lei/person (limited seats) During Cristina Raicu’s masterclass, we will discuss about the high potential of [...]
TREI ENOLOGI, TREI ABORDARI PERSONALE Prezentat de Aurelia Visinescu, Laurent Pfeffer si Oliver Bauer ____________________ DUMINICA | 7 MAI | 15.00 - 16.30 | in ROMANA 100 lei/persoana Experienta enologilor si expresia terroir-ului isi pun amprenta in mod diferit pe soiurile de struguri [...]